Quick & Reliable Warehousing and Logistics Solution.

Hirisha delivers an unparalleled customer service through dedicated customer teams, engaged people working in an agile culture, and a global footprint
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Services we offer
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warehousing services

A pay as-you-go solution for: pallet storage, inventory management, fulfillment(e.g. pick and pack), in/out-bound solutions, and more.

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Global Freight

Search and compare the best shipping rates among dozens of trusted logistic partners for the last mile delivery and freight.

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Packaging Solutions

Our packaging solutions are optimized for each individual customer and are selected based on on the customer’s specific needs and requirements.

Operation mode
You’re currently running your store on Shopify, WooCommerce, or any other platform. As a first step, you’ll connect your store with our platform.
Then, you can send us your inventory and the fun begins. We’ll choose a delivery day together so your fulfilment is not interrupted.
We pick, pack and ship all incoming orders directly from our own warehouse until 12pm on the same day.
Warehouse onsite
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